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Posted: Sun Oct 24, 2010 4:43 am
by Darkson
There's been a growing trend for people to have their team/tournament history listed in their signature - this is fine, and we encourage people to do so (if only so we can laugh at some of you :wink: ), but some sigs are getting to big in length, and make reading threads where that person has posted difficult (especially if they're making lots of posts to one thread).

So going forwards, can all users please make sure their signatures are approximately 4 lines of normal sized text "high" - this includes images (like mine). Using smaller font sizes will give you roughly 5 or 6 lines.

General rule of thumb - if your sig is bigger than your average post, then it's to big.

I'm going to leave this announcement up for a week or so to allow users to sort their own sigs out - after that, we reserve the right to amend anyone's as we see fit (though we will try and get effected users to sort it first).

Sorry if this comes over all killjoy-ish, but I'm sure we've all been to forums where the regulars have all got 15-20 lines of text in their sigs, and know what a pain it is to follow those threads, and that trend has been noticed here. There are some users on here that have previously "pruned" their sigs, and they're starting to creep up again.


Re: Signatures

Posted: Mon Nov 26, 2012 11:05 pm
by Darkson

PMs are going out again, so if your's is like this and you haven't had a PM (yet! :wink: ), save me some time and shorten it before I get to you.


Re: Signatures

Posted: Thu Apr 10, 2014 7:48 pm
by Darkson
*bump*, but without the PMs this time. If you ignore this request, and find your sig has changed, don't be surprised. Don't change it back either, else you may find you lose the chance to have a sig.