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New Team - Farrow from Hordes

Posted: Thu Jan 14, 2021 12:30 am
by darkcyde
So I saw the Farrow Sapper from Privateer Press's Hordes/Minion range and though it would fit the Blood Bowl look and decided to build a team for him to fit into. You can read up on the Farrow at Warmachine University or the Privateer Press website.

I gave them thick skull to represent their tough ability from Hordes, then I based their stats on an Orc/Human lineman.

0-12 Farrow Lineman 50k MV5 ST3 AG3+ PA4+ AV9+
Thick Skull

Valkyries had a better look, which is why they got the nod over Slaughterhouses. I based them off the Imperial Noble bodyguard, as they are a bodyguard type of unit in Hordes. They have a bit more offensive punch with brawler over wrestle, while being slower, with a higher AV.

0-3 Farrow Valkyrie 90k MV5 ST3 AG3+ PA5+ AV10+
Thick Skull, Stand Firm, Brawler

The Razorback is the first of the Secret Weapons. They are slow, as it is a rocket launcher to lug around, but do present a long range threat. I see them as a mid backfield piece. I don't know what a blunderbuss would look like in 2020 rules but cannoneer felt like an auto include as did hail mary as that has been a traditional blunderbus skill.

0-2 Farrow Razorback 70k MV3 ST3 AG3+ PA3+ AV9+
Thick Skull, Cannoneer, Hail Mary Pass, Secret Weapon

The Runner is based on the Razorback loader, since if you bought the Razorback model you would get the loader model as well. They are your standard runner type but could also be used to fetch the ball for the Razorback to fire up field.

0-2 Farrow Runner 60k MV5 ST3 AG3+ PA4+ AV9+
Thick Skull, Sure Hands

The model that started this whole thing. I did consider making him a Bombardier but decided if I'm inventing a new team I would just invent a new rule too. Mines can be used defensivley by blocking running lines or offensively by placing them behind models you're about to block. Fumblerooski is a fluff skill as he should be good at putting things on the ground.

0-1 Farrow Sapper 65k MV5 ST3 AG3+ PA4+ AV9+
Thick Skull, Fumblerooski, MineLayer*, Secret Weapon

The big guys! I originally only had the Battle Boar but you can make a Gun Boar from the same kit and I like the idea of a secret weapon thrower big guy, seemed original to me.

0-2 - 2 of 2

Battle Boars have Frenzy, Sprint and Animal Savagery to represent their Adrenalize ability from Hordes. He's a big guy with drawbacks, pretty standard fair, but with the chance to be pretty mobile with frenzy and sprint.

0-1 Battle Boar 150k MV5 ST5 AG5+ PA- AV10+
Loner (4+), Frenzy, Sprint, Mighty Blow (+1), Thick Skull, Animal Savagery

I like the idea but I'm not sure I've nailed the execution. I looked at the Deathroller to get an idea of what a secret weapon big guy looks like, otherwise he's a Battle Boar without Adrenalize (frenzy, sprint, animal savagery) with a rocket launcher on his shoulder, higher AG, lowered Loner and slightly less AV. He gets pass for being a more stable platform and because otherwise I don't think you would risk passing with him which would defeat the purpose of his existence. Better AG and Loner so you might actually hand off to him. Dropped Mighty Blow as he shouldn't hit as hard as the Battle Boar.

0-1 Gun Boar 150k MV5 ST5 AG4+ PA3+ AV9+
Loner (3+), Pass, Cannoneer, Hail Mary Pass,Thick Skull, Secret Weapon

0-8 ReRolls 70k

Apothecary: Yes

Special Rules
Homebrew, Thornfall Alliance

When this player performs a Move or Blitz action, they may choose to 'drop' a mine. Place a mine token in any square the player vacates during their movement,it does not bounce. You may only place one mine token per turn.

During either player's turn if a player enters the square containing the mine token, whether voluntarily, pushed or knocked down, remove the mine token and it explodes. When a mine explodes any player in the same square is knocked down as if blocked by a player with Mighty Blow (+1).

Mine tokens will stay on the pitch even if the Farrow Sapper is removed. Any mine tokens on the pitch at Half Time are removed, as the Refs have more time to safely defuse (make snotlings run over) the explosives at that time.

Players may attempt to jump over a mine token as if it was a prone/stunned player.

**feedback appreciated**
I might have gone a little too gimmicky with the secret weapon throwers, please let me know :). I don't really know the cost formula so I kinda guessed based off other similar models.