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Slaanesh roster by Sage, Dode, Sann0638

Posted: Wed Feb 05, 2020 5:55 pm
by the_Sage
Hi all! A while back I made a Slaanesh roster, together with Dode, with contributions from Sann0638 and feedback from Waldorf and Enarion. I figured people here might be interested in seeing it as well.
I'll admit up front that I'm not too big on fluff knowledge and approached this far more from a crunch perspective. I really wanted to offer something the base races don't, that would provide interesting starting and building options, without feeling overpowered as a whole. While I don't have playtest data, I'd expect this roster to be tier 2.5 initially (they suffer from the same issues Slann do), and build up to 1.5 at higher TVs (complete lack of S access and only 6 G access, 4 of which lack hands still hurts, but lots of options).


As stated in the figure itself, it's definitely initially based on the two FUMBBL Slaanesh secret league rosters. Clicking the image will download the pdf.

Re: Slaanesh roster by Sage, Dode, Sann0638

Posted: Thu Oct 29, 2020 8:39 pm
by Papa Sebco
Some interesting ideas.

First, I like all 4 players types names, that's a good start for a roster creation! :D

Then 2 "little" things I would change :

-I would go for only 2 daemonettes but 4 slaangors as, in my opinion, 4 claws is too much at start (even 5 if Keeper of Secrets has it too) and 4 hypnotic gazes is also too much at start (vampires have Blood Lust negative trait to compensate)

-to make this roster the 1st one to be like ag4 for dodging but like ag3 to play ball, I would keep daemonettes as they are but would give 2heads to Cultists and Slaangors (Cultists would cost 60.000 and Slaangors would remain at 80.000 but would be MA 6).

Re: Slaanesh roster by Sage, Dode, Sann0638

Posted: Sat Jan 16, 2021 1:27 pm
by Papa Sebco
To be more complete about this "two heads" roster idea, I really like what have been done here ("doomed" roster in the FUMBBL laboratory league) even if it's really different than what could be done for a Slanesh roster :

In my opinion, that kind of "doomed" players with AG3 and Two heads skill would suit with Daemonettes with AG4 but No Hands negative skill.

There are already 29 rosters in BB 2020 (21 in the rulebook + 6 in Teams of Legend PDF + 2 in NAF PDF that I also take into account). I believe that new rosters need a miniature style + a fluff to seduce coaches but that they first need a different playstyle than existing rosters.

Re: Slaanesh roster by Sage, Dode, Sann0638

Posted: Sat Jan 16, 2021 4:43 pm
by rolo
Interesting roster, which I'm only seeing now like a year after you posted it.

Just at first glance:
- The Daemonettes look REALLY good, 4x claw is kind of insane (slightly nerfed in 2020), 4x hypnotic gaze with no negatrait is absolutely insane (and even better in 2020). Several Daemonettes working together would eventually develop into the best cage-busters in the game.
- Normal Agility access but no Strength on the Big Guy opens up some interesting builds for the Keeper of Secrets. Lots of shutdown options; Dodge / Sidestep / Diving Tackle / Tentacles / Prehensile Tail.
- Overall on defense the team looks like a better variant of Vampires; Hypnotic gaze with no negatraits (no ST4 either of course), better armor, faster, better overall skill access.
- Slaangors are the obvious ball carriers on offense, Blodge, Sure Hands, Extra Arms and Two Heads all available on normal skill rolls. Who needs AG4? Long-term they're probably the best AG3 ball carrier in the game.
- No normal G skill access on the linemen is kind of interesting but who cares, they're not the ones you're interested in skilling anyway.
- I'd love to build this team out of the existing Warhammer and 40k models, it would look great on the field and I think it would be fun to play. Too bad there's no chance on earth of this being accepted anywhere ;)