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High TV leagues or how to play with all your toys!

Posted: Tue Jul 10, 2018 4:21 pm
by Mystic Force
So after reading lots of threads and thinking about my own BB experiences I was trying to figure out what you would need to change to play BB at higher TVs than regular to facilitate the below criteria. Partly this was influenced by the teams of legends being published in the DZs and SJs.

If say you wanted to create a league, with those rosters, and person A wanted to play for example the Doom Lords, and they asked on this forum what should they do with this team in a league that started with these rosters. I am pretty sure there would be a lot of cut player X and Y to get rid of bloat, then you can induce a wizard. And before long the only player left on any team is "The Ballista in His Prime" because someone is a stubborn hold over, and it resembles a regular league.

So how do you facilitate this kind of set up, I don't know the answer but I have some thoughts, and hopefully we can have an interesting discussion if nothing else.

NOTE: This is to come up with a variant of BB that would scratch a particular itch for a subset of coaches who share a common interest in this sort of thing, not a prescription for BB must be played this way!

So the criteria are

1) Teams have near full rosters (15-16) as a matter of routine, not the 12-13 TV efficiency norm.

2) Make rostered Star Players more common particularly the more expensive ones. (But not necessarily dominating)

3) Eliminate the cutting of players "Because they are to Expensive" and give away to much TV.

4) Encourage the use of less common skills because the TV penalty is too high in normal leagues

5) Team TV would be noticeably over what is currently the norm of developed teams due to TV optimization.

6) Not become PBBL hell of CLPOMB of FUMBL fame, it is meant to be a fun activity not a frustrating one....

7) Develop your own Stars with abilities near those of the legends of the game.

+Any other that people come up with that fit in this.

I think a useful benchmark test would then be if a league was started with those special rosters mentioned above they would be sustainable, and after many games still be recognizable as their origin. But this does not mean that it would only work with those teams but a normal league could end up here if people wanted to, looking at that comparison would just be an easier metal calculation without having to play a bunch of games.

NOTE : The overall theme of the exercise seems to me is to find a way to modify the effect of TV.

So options

The easiest thing to do would be to divide leagues by TV, to qualify for lets call it the super division you must have a TV of greater than 170 for example. So what happens if a team drops below that level by circumstances or design? kicking them out of the division would have consequences for play in most schemes, therefore not really a viable option. Some mechanism would need to be employed to incentivize keeping you TV up with out crippling teams who suffer a few losses. To ensure that teams can get into this bracket redrafting would have to change to accommodate, these changes seem fairly easy to do. Not sure of a mechanism to force people to keep up the TV, but given extra reserves on a roster that would help mitigate significant player loss.

The reason for TV efficiency is to not give the other side too much help. Now if everyone just said "you know what in this league I don't care about my TV relative to others I will just keep going" then I wouldn't even have to try this exercise. But back in the real world some guidance would be nice. So what could we do to minimize the TV efficiency thing.

One choice is our Supper league some how reduces the help given, so a TV difference is not fully compensated by the handicap. this could be on a sliding scale so a big difference in TV is given more help relatively than a small one so 20K here or there makes little difference. But how to stop that being abused. Alternatively teams get no help from the handicap system this is a "Big Boys" league!

Cutting players, I thought of a sneaky way to stop people cutting players for TV. Every time a player is voluntarily removed from your roster you gain an assistant coach (+10K) but you can never fire them! Now this might penalize a team who retires players through injury, but maybe that can be mollified with a change so only players over a certain experience level count for this, or a player with certain injuries doesn't count.

If the primary goal of TV is to prevent a wizard against you then he just becomes more expensive to hire in Super league games.

Not counting everything for TV is a possibility, So maybe only your 11 most expensive players count to get your TV.

What about those big guys? What about point 7? I have suggested this before I think that the removal of a negatriat, for teams in this type of league, should be an option for a big guy or say vampire on a later Star player roll (say 5th, 6th or 7th maybe?) instead of making a roll. You would only get one chance to do this.

Now someone will point out that this wont work well for such an such a team. My suggestions is do not field that team in this format. It is not going to work for Halflings obviously, and probably a bunch of other teams that tap out at a certain TV level. But that level where it happens would likely shift in a modified format because they wont be penalized as much for taking less useful skills that are more situational.

I don't know how any of this would work, and am very unlikely to ever try this so this is mostly just for fun!